Volunteering Can Help Boost your Mood and Health

Volunteering Can Help Boost your Mood and Health

We’re sure you’ve volunteered or donated at some point in your life. Whether it was for school credits or something you did on your own, let’s take a look back at how it made you feel. Were you happy that you went? Did it make you feel grateful for your situation? ...
Benefits of Social Connections

Benefits of Social Connections

You can never have too many friends. They’re always there when you need them–to talk to, to give advice, to make you laugh, they’re just a phone call away. It’s no surprise that, with every interaction, we grow healthier mentally and physically. Strong social...
7 Tips for Better Mental Health

7 Tips for Better Mental Health

Taking care of your mental health is very important. It can affect the way you think, your behavior, energy or emotions. We have 7 tips that may help improve your mental health. Getting in a daily routine. Something as simple as setting an alarm clock, taking a walk,...
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